ZHANG Jie-xiangZHANG Yu-binZHANG Cai-xue,SUN Xing-li.Variation in Densities of Culturable Heterotrophic Bacteria,Vibrio and Relationship Between Bacterial Densities and Environmental Factors During Culture in Exalted Shrimp Ponds[J].Journal of Jimei University,2010,15(5):327-332.
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- Title:
Variation in Densities of Culturable Heterotrophic Bacteria,Vibrio and Relationship Between Bacterial Densities and Environmental Factors During Culture in Exalted Shrimp Ponds
- 作者:
章洁香; 张瑜斌; 张才学; 孙省利
(广东海洋大学海洋资源与环境监测中心,广东 湛江 524088)
- Author(s):
ZHANG Jie-xiangZHANG Yu-binZHANG Cai-xue; SUN Xing-li
(Monitoring Center for Marine Resource and Environment,Guangdong Ocean University,Zhanjiang 524088,China)
- 关键词:
高位虾池; 异养细菌; 弧菌; 数量变化; 环境因子
- Keywords:
exalted shrimp ponds; culturable heterotrophic bacterial; vibrio; variation in densities; environmental factors
- 分类号:
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- 摘要:
]研究了位于广东湛江东海岛北寮村和庵里村的4个凡纳滨对虾(Penaeus vannamei)高位池养殖过程水体中的可培养异养细菌和弧菌的数量变化及其影响因素.结果表明:1)北寮村虾池BL1和BL2的可培养异养细菌数量变化均呈现中间高两头低、后期多于初期的单峰变化趋势;BL1的弧菌数量变化趋势和可培养异养细菌的变化趋势相似,而BL2则是前期稍微升高而后下降,后期又呈升高态势,峰值出现在养殖末期;水源地BL3的可培养异养细菌数量变化为初期平缓,后期明显多于初期,大体呈上升态势;而BL3弧菌数量变化趋势则比较平缓.2)庵里村发病的虾池AL1的可培养异养细菌和弧菌数量呈现出单峰变化趋势,在养殖中途爆发病害时,可培养异养细菌数量高出未发病的正常池2个数量级;庵里村虾池AL2的可培养异养细菌数量变化趋势也是中间高两头低,而弧菌的数量变化则是无规律的波动;水源地AL3的可培养异养细菌数量变化大体呈下降趋势,弧菌数量放养初期最高.3)高位虾池的可培养异养细菌和弧菌数量虽多于水源地,但差异不显著,同一个位点,细菌和弧菌数量呈现同步增多或减少.虾场水体的可培养异养细菌和弧菌数量与多数环境因子之间相关性不显著,这与虾池养殖生态系统受人为因素影响较大有关,同时反映了高位虾池生态系统受多种因子作用的复杂性
- Abstract:
Variation in densities of culturable heterotrophic bacteria,vibrio and relationship between bacterial densities and environmental factors were investigated during culture in exalted shrimp ponds at Beiliao Village and Anli Village in Donghaidao Island of Zhanjiang.The results showed that the densities of culturable heterotrophic bacteria presented a mono-peak trend in two exalted shrimp ponds(BL1 and BL2)at Beiliao.The change of densities of vibrio was the same as that of heterotrophic bacteria in BL1,but in the BL2 it was more abundant in the earlier phase,then declined and rose in the latter phase,and the greatest density was found in the latter phase.The densities of culturable heterotrophic bacteria changed slowly in the initial phase in the corresponding controlled water at Beiliao,and the bacterial densities was greater in latter phase than in the former,so the densities of heterotrophic bacteria was ascending in total,but the change of vibrio densities was mild. The change of densities of heterotrophic bacteria and vibrio were also mono-peak in AL1,especially when the disease of shrimp broke out in the middle cultural phase,and the density of heterotrophic bacteria was more 100 times in disease-affected pond than in the normal one.The change of heterotrophic bacterial densities also presented the monopeak in AL2,however the change of vibrio densities was irregular.The densities of heterotrophic bacteria declined in corresponding controlled water at Anli,and the greast density of vibrio was found in the initial phase.The densities of culturable heterotrophic bacteria and vibrio in all exalted shrimp ponds were somewhat more abundant than in their corresponding controlled waters,but the variation was insignificant(P>0.05) between them.At the one station,and the change of culturable heterotrophic bacteria and vibrio densities was same,ascending or declining identically.The correlation coefficients between bacteria densities and most of environmental factors were insignificant,which was attributed to man-made factors in the shrimp ecosystems and implied complexity of environmental factors in these exalted shrimp pond ecosystems.
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