ZHAO Yanping,ZHANG Xude,ZHOU Jianwen.The Analysis of Icebreaking Plan and Ship Maneuering in Fast Ice Near the Zhongshan Station[J].Journal of Jimei University,2021,26(1):29-36.
- 卷:
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- Title:
The Analysis of Icebreaking Plan and Ship Maneuering in Fast Ice Near the Zhongshan Station
- 作者:
赵炎平1; 张旭德1; 周建文2
(1.中国极地研究中心,上海 200136;2.集美大学航海学院,福建 厦门 361021)
- Author(s):
ZHAO Yanping1; ZHANG Xude1; ZHOU Jianwen2
(1.Polar Research Institute of China,Shanghai,200136,China;2.Navigation College,Jimei University,Xiamen 361021,China)
- 关键词:
雪龙2号; 中山站; 固定冰; 冰区航行
- Keywords:
XUELONG 2; zhongshan station; fast ice; navigation in ice water
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
In order to provide the “XUELONG” with a possible channel to discharge cargo in complex fastice-covered water near ZHONGSHAN station in the Antarctic continent,the ice-breaker “XUELONG 2” built by China in dependently is in an urgent need for an ice-breaking route.Based on the data and experience accumulated over the years,the author and team members analyzed in detail the navigation environment,fast ice-covered water condition,the latest meteorological auxiliary materials and advanced equipment available on board,and made an ice-breaking plan route.After “XUELONG 2”finished ice-breaking,it was proved that the plan route can save much discharging time and avoid the ice crevasses,iceberg etc.The special Ice-Breaking method was adopted for forward and aft-ward performance,control of speed,safe distance for ramming ice during the whole ice breaking,as well as the method of ship maneuvering to help breaking fast-ice smoothly.Some Some difficulties and problems needed to resolve are listed.This paper provides reference for deck officers on Chinese icebreakers and merchant ships navigating in icecovered waters or polar waters,and for the training of navigation and the corresponding operation simulation according to the polar code.
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