[1]朝霞.Lω-空间中加强了的ωT-分离性黄朝霞[J].集美大学学报(自然科学版),2011,16(2):141-144. HUANG Zhao-xia.Strong T-separations on an L-space[J].Journal of Jimei University,2011,16(2):141-144.
The notions of strong ωTi (i=1,2)- separations were introduced on an Lω-space.The properties of the concepts were systematically discussed.Therefore,the main results of strong ωTi (i=1,2)- separations in L-fuzzy topology were preserved on an Lω-space,such as ωTi (i=1,2)- separations were L-good extensions
[1]陈雅茜,陈水利.Lω-空间的Ⅰ型Lω-仿紧性[J].集美大学学报(自然科学版),2012,17(4):305. CHEN Ya-xi,CHEN Shui-li.The I Type L-paracompactness on L-spaces[J].Journal of Jimei University,2012,17(2):305.